Looking for a church home?
Come Visit!
Sundays @ 9 & 11 AM
218 S. Wabash Ave.
2nd Floor
We are committed to Jesus Christ and are passionate about serving families, individuals, and students to know and follow Him.
Our Nursery and Kid City Ministry are available during both the 9 and 11 AM services. We look forward to meeting you!
Parking available
@ 17 E Adams
8 hours for $6.50 on Sundays
Download the iParkit app, create an account with the program code: HOLYTRINITY
What to Expect
We’d love to have you come by and explore our community. As for what to wear, we believe our attitude and hearts matter most to God when we gather to worship him so dress however you feel comfortable. You’ll find a warm and welcoming group of people inviting you to join the adventure of serving Jesus together in the city.
We believe when God’s word is explained, God’s voice is heard. Each week we study a particular Biblical text, learn from it, apply it, and seek to live it out.
You’ll find people exalting God in heartfelt singing in a variety of musical styles from classical to jazz to contemporary. Be ready to join in or sit back as you learn the ropes.
Jesus calls us to a mission that loves God and our neighbors in community, serving, sharing, and singing about his goodness while seeking the peace and welfare of the city.
Children are a vibrant part of our community and will enjoy our Kid City ministries.
People from Holy Trinity walk, bike, ‘L’, or (sometimes) drive. We welcome people from every walk of life, denomination, background, and viewpoint to join us as we explore who Jesus is and follow his teachings.
We value the creative and want to see artists use their gifts inside and outside the church in a way that magnifies God.