Exploring Jesus?
Belief is not always easy. This is true for both Christians and those who would not claim to follow Jesus.
At Holy Trinity Church we recognize this and want to be place where you can explore and ask question concerning who Jesus is, and what it really means to follow Him. In order to address some of these questions we would love to have you visit one of our services, as well as look through the resources and groups discussed on this page.
No matter where you are in your understanding of Jesus, one of best ways to discover (more) about Jesus is through reading the Bible with someone else and discussing what it means. If this is something you are interested in doing, please reach out to downtown@htcchicago.org.
Each week members and attenders of Holy Trinity Church meet in homes to eat meals together, pray together, discuss the Bible, and explore more and more what it means to follow Jesus Christ. These groups are spread all over the city of Chicago and are open to all who wish to join them. For more information about community groups please visit one of our congregations community page.