Upcoming events.
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Ready to start 2025 with a renewed focus on God and your community?
Join The Chicago Partnership and Chicagoland United in Prayer, along with churches across Chicagoland for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting from Jan 13-Feb 2, culminating in a powerful citywide Winter Prayer Gathering on Feb 2nd at First Baptist Congregational Church.
Here's how you can participate:
Pray Together: 21 days of prayer and fasting from Jan 13-Feb 2, 2025.
Daily Inspiration: Sign up for daily devotional videos delivered straight to your phone via text message or YouTube for daily encouragement from local leaders. To sign up, simply text "2025" to (833) 357-5145 or subscribe at youtube.com/@thechicagopartnership.
Plan to Attend: Gather a group from your church to attend the Winter Prayer Gathering on Feb 2 at 5pm at First Baptist Congregational Church.
Global Ministry Committee Interest
The HTC Global Ministry Committee works with partners throughout the world to support and encourage them in their work! We have partners across the globe including South Africa, Cameroon, France, & more. Our team meets monthly via zoom and participates in various tasks to assist our partners.
We're looking to expand our team! If you have a passion for global missions and spreading the gospel, we encourage you to fill out the form below.
Community Group Training
Community Group Leaders should plan to attend our training on February 1st at 9am. The training will run from 9-11am. As a note this is for current Community Group leaders. Sign up below!
Women's Ministry Craft Event
HTC Women's Ministry is hosting a craft afternoon on Saturday, February 1st from 2:00-3:30pm.
Our time will be spent making custom tea towels and enjoying snacks, fellowship, and a devotional together. We'll plan to meet at Holy Trinity Church Downtown, 218 S Wabash Ave. To ensure we have enough craft supplies, please register by January 25th.
Christ and Scripture: An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
Whether you are new to reading the Bible or have been studying it for a while, many of us struggle with where to start or how to interpret the text. Like all literature, there are basic principles for reading that help us to understand.
This 7-week course will teach core principles for understanding the original setting, various genres, how God's Word applies to us today, and how to effectively communicate the Word to others.
Sundays, Feb 2 - March 16
11 AM - 12:15 PM at the HTC Office
Youth Group Winter Retreat
Students 6th-12th grade are invited to join this winter for a weekend of time with God, fun activities, and deepening relationships. The retreat is February 7-9th at Lake Geneva Youth Camp.
For registration and more Information, please see below.
Life in the Family of God
In a culture of confusion about gender identity and sexuality, Scripture gives us a clear and compelling vision of humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation. As those who have been created in the image of God and adopted into His family, our lives testify to a confused and watching world of God’s good design for human flourishing.
This 5-week course seeks to ground us, the family of God, in a redemptive theology of gender and sexuality, and discover how we live this out together.
Mon, Feb 10 and Mar 10 | 6:00-8:00pm at HTC
Mon, Feb 24 7:30-8:30pm via Zoom
plus recorded sessions
Compassion Ministry Valentine's Outreach
The Compassion Ministry is doing an outreach on Sunday, February 16th immediately after the 11am service.
We will be passing out Valentine's-themed care packages to those in need and/or experiencing homelessness around downtown Chicago. We are looking to distribute 50 care packages!
We are looking for:
- Costco hotdogs (hot, individually packaged)
- Small bags of chips
- Fruit (apples or bananas)
- Drink (soda or juice)
- Cookies (prepacked snack size)
- Valentine's-themed candy (not chocolate)
- 50 gallon-sized Ziplock bags
Premarital & Newly Married Class
Are you engaged or recently married? We would love to have you join us for a series of conversations on marriage designed particularly for engaged and newly married couples at HTC Downtown.
This is an opportunity for you to get to know others well, to dive into what scripture says about marriage and to provide some mentorship in this season of your relationships. Specifically, we have three main goals for this series of conversations:
1. COMMUNITY: To help you connect with other new couples from HTC Downtown
2. FOUNDATION: To help you build a biblical foundation for your marriage
3. DISCIPLESHIP: To help you grow in your knowledge of Christ together
Who: Any newly engaged or newly married couples attending HTC Downtown
When: The format for the conversations will be every other Sunday from March 2 - April 27.
What: A series of five conversations to prepare you for deepened marriage.
Why: To help you lay a strong, joyful and loving foundation for marriage.
How: Email Laura Curtin to join!
We hope to see you there! Contact Laura Curtin below to get involved.
Welcome Lunch
Join us on Sunday, January 26th following the 11am service for a Welcome Lunch! We invite you to come and learn more about HTC and get connected with others! Sign ups coming soon.
Christmas Eve Service
Join us for our Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24th at 4:00 PM at HTC Downtown!
Upcoming Service Times
Upcoming Service Times:
December 22: One service at 10:00am. No Kid City.
December 29: One service at 10:00am. No Kid City.
January 5: Services resume at 9am and 11am. Kid City resumes.
A Downtown Christmas
Join us to share the good news of Christmas with an evening of music on December 15 at 5:00 PM. The concert will feature musical talent from Holy Trinity Church. If you’re interested in joining the Choir, please email Julie Merz ASAP.
The suggested donation for an adult ticket is $5 to help cover the cost of the program, kids are free but we ask that you reserve them a ticket. If the cost is a deterrent, please use the code: "Christmas".
You're welcome to make an additional donation here for the concert:
Deck the Halls
Join us as we kick off Advent on December 1 at 5 p.m. for a chili dinner and to decorate our space for the Christmas season!
Advent Devotional: Receive Him Still
Join us as we prepare for the birth of our Savior through our Advent Devotional: Receive Him Still. You can find a paper copy at the Welcome Table each Sunday. A digital version is available below.
Thanksgiving Hosting
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are excited to continue the tradition of hosting international students to a Thanksgiving meal. Please consider setting a few extra place settings at your table. Your hospitality may open a door for conversations about life and faith, and perhaps a new cross-cultural friendship will continue after the holiday! For many international students, this will be the first time they will have been in an American home! Reach out to Kim TerAvest with any questions.
You can choose to host on November 28, 29, or 30: it doesn’t have to be Thursday, November 28. Some students will prefer a different day than Thursday.
Please register online by Sunday, November 17.
Salt & Light: Gospel Living in the Workplace
We look forward to this quarterly event partnering with other Faith & Work Ministries in the city to explore living as salt and light in and through our work. For our November gathering we look forward to bringing Dr Jerry Root back to talk about winsome ways of sharing our faith with co-workers during the holiday season
The event is free, but please register by November 19th so we can provide plenty of coffee and pastries!
Compassion Ministry Winter Clothing Drive
Join our Compassion Ministry as we host a Winter Clothing Drive for those in need! We'll be collecting adult hats, gloves, coats, and other winter gear (new or gently used) from Sunday, November 10 - Sunday, December 8. Donations will be distributed to our neighbors in need following the drive!
Membership Lunch
Are you interested in becoming a member at HTC? Are you looking for more information on who HTC is and ? Join us for a Membership Lunch on November 3rd after the second service.
Sign-up by October 27th to secure your childcare!
Women, Work, & Calling
Faith & Work Chicago is thrilled to serve as a host site for this annual conference on Friday, November 1 for a day of inspiration and empowerment.
Join a community of women passionate about combining faith, influence, and femininity as we love God and serve others through our work. We’ll explore skills essential for today’s leaders and fellowship with like-minded followers of Christ in Chicagoland.
This day-long event combines:
Theologically rich teaching applied to today’s workplace challenges.
Practical wisdom from women working in diverse industries and roles.
Leadership development that equips you to serve God and others right where you are.
Soulful application to help you walk with God in all of life.
A community of like-minded women passionate about growing their influence.
Check out the full line-up of incredible speakers and topics and learn more about the Women, Work & Calling Movement below. Be sure to check “Host Site” when you register and choose “Chicago” in order to sign up for our location.
Welcome Lunch
Our monthly Welcome Lunch will take place on Sunday, October 27 after the 11am service! If you’re new or looking to meet more people, please join us for food and fellowship and to learn more about life at HTC.
No need to RSVP!
Compassion Ministry: Cider & Donut Stand
Join us on October 27 to serve our neighbors near and around 218 S Wabash! After the 11am service, between 12:30-2:30pm, we’ll be packing and distributing personal hygiene kits along with cider and donuts outside of HTC. We’re looking for volunteers and donations!
Life In Our Splintered World: How the Lordship of Christ Unifies All of Life
Life in our Splintered World: How the Lordship of Christ Unifies All of Life
Life in America has become increasingly polarized and fragmented. From politics at the dinner table, to ideological divisions with neighbors, to our own fraught relationship with technology, we experience the impact of these fractures deep in our souls. Must we choose between left versus right, private versus public, embodied versus digital? How do we follow Christ and love our neighbor in our ever-splintering world?
This monthly Cohort will examine six areas in which we feel the effects of fragmentation: Politics, Evangelicalism, Technology, Work/Education, Neighbors, and our Segregated City. Join us as we work together to understand how the Lordship of Christ unifies all of life.
WHEN: 6 Friday evenings (once a month) October through May
October 25, 2024
December 6, 2024
January 31, 2025
February 28, 2024
April 4, 2025
May 2, 2025
TIME: 6:30-8:30 PM including dinner
LOCATION: 218 S Wabash, 2nd floor
COST: $120 for individuals and $200 for couples who share books
(includes the cost of books, dinner and our online learning platform) Scholarships are available if cost is an issue, please contact us.
*Upon filling out the form to the right you will be directed to our PushPay site to make your payment and complete your registration
Intro to Spiritual Formation
We are constantly being formed through conscious and unconscious habits in our daily lives. Join us to learn more about spiritual disciplines and practices to help counter-form us into the image of Christ.
11 AM | October 20 - November 24
Missional Ecclesiology: The Church and the Mission of God
What is the purpose of the church? Why do we gather on Sunday mornings? This 6-week course seeks to understand how the church is the means by which God accomplishes His mission in your life, our city, and the world.
9 AM | October 20 - November 24
Ministry Fair
Curious about all the opportunities for spiritual growth and community at HTC? Interested in knowing where to plug in or serve this year, but not sure how? We’re hosting our annual “Ministry Fair” 30 minutes before and after both services this Sunday!
Representatives from each of HTC’s ministries will be present to answer your questions and help you get involved.
Youth Group Fall Retreat
Youth retreats provide a special space for students to spend time with God and build meaningful friendships with each. Students 6th-12th grade are invited to join for HTC's fall overnight retreat in Sawyer, MI from September 27-28. Please email below for information on how to register.
Salt and Light: Gospel Living in the Workplace
Faith & Work Chicago is partnering with other ministries in the city for this quarterly event, which explores living as salt and light in and through our work. We are excited to host this special morning with Dr. Preston Sprinkle at HTC on September 23rd.
Preston is the NY Times bestselling author of Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire and the co-founder and president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. He will share insights on living evangelistically in our places of work during a deeply divided political time.
The event is free, but please register by September 20th so we can provide plenty of coffee and pastries!
Fall Getaway
No matter how long you have been in the city or at HTC, we’d love to help you plant and take root in life-giving relationships. Our leaders have designed some time away to help you to gain community with others, connect to new friends and dream a little about what God might do in you, through you, and for you, over the next few years. Whether you are brand new or have been around for a while, join us from a Friday night to Saturday afternoon away from the city for conversation, relaxation, games, and reflection. You don’t want to miss it!
Cultivating Creativity
An Evening of Songs & Stories
There’s a spark of creativity in each of us waiting to be ignited. There’s a God who spoke the world into being and invites us to fill it with goodness, truth and beauty. Join us for a night of songs and conversation as we explore how music and the arts help us to tell the stories of life, faith, grief, and love.
Friday, September 13 | 7 PM - 9 PM
218 S. Wabash Ave.
Community Group Leader Training
Calling all community group leaders! Please join us for our annual orientation on Sept 7 from 9:00-11:00am. We will share this year's theme, discuss expectations, and give everyone their next steps.
Picnic & Baptism Service
Join us on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:00pm at Montrose Beach for an all church picnic and baptism service! We look forward to joining the North Side congregation for dinner and fellowship. Bring blankets/chairs, outdoor games, and dinner for yourself/family. We can’t wait to enjoy this evening together!
Specific location can be found here!
CG Leader Exploration Lunch
We praise God for the 50% growth in our Downtown Congregation over this past year! In light of this, we have been praying together for new Community Groups and leaders this fall to continue serving our neighborhoods well.
If you are interested in helping to lead or host a Community Group next year, please join us Sunday, August 25th after the second service for lunch and an informal time of Q&A. We’ll share about the role of the CG leader and how this vital ministry fits into HTC overall. Everyone is welcome to attend!
HTC Camping Trip
Join us for a camping adventure from August 16-18 at Warren Dunes. Enjoy time together hiking, exploring sand dunes, and more! Campsites have been reserved, so sign up today. Campsites include electricity, running water, and bathrooms.
Contact Julie Merz to sign up and if you have any questions.
Youth Group Breakthrough Outreach
The HTC Compassion Ministry is helping provide food items for the second summer outreach event of the HTC Youth Group at Breakthrough Urban Ministries on Wednesday, August 14. The Youth Group students will be serving lunch to residents experiencing homelessness at Breakthrough's Women's Center in East Garfield Park.
We invite you to join us by contributing food items for our students to serve to people in need! Please sign up below and bring food items to the church or church office by Tuesday, August 13.
Youth Group Breakthrough Outreach
The HTC Compassion Ministry is helping provide food items for the second summer outreach event of the HTC Youth Group at Breakthrough Urban Ministries on Wednesday, 7/17. The Youth Group students will be serving lunch to residents experiencing homelessness at Breakthrough's Women's Center in East Garfield Park. We invite you to join us by contributing food items for our students to serve to people in need! Please sign up here and bring food items to the church or church office, by Tuesday 7/16.
Community Group Lunch
We praise God for the 50% growth in our Downtown Congregation over this past year! In light of this, we have been praying together for new Community Groups and leaders this fall to continue serving our neighborhoods well.
If you are interested in helping to lead or host a Community Group next year, please join us THIS SUNDAY, July 14th after the second service for lunch and an informal time of Q&A. We’ll share about the role of the CG leader and how this vital ministry fits into HTC overall. Everyone is welcome to attend! No need to sign up.
All Church Service
Join us for an All Church Worship service on Sunday, July 7 at 10:00am at Ogden International High School. We look forward to worshipping with the North Side congregation in the Ogden International High School theater.
Following the service, we will have a picnic on the practice field outside the school. Plan to bring a blanket or chair, sack lunch for you and your family, and any yard games as we spend time in fellowship together! Please note refrigeration will not be available.
WHEN: Sunday, July 7
TIME: 10 AM Worship Service, Picnic immediately following
LOCATION: Ogden International High School, 1250 W. Erie Street, Chicago