Discipleship Training
We believe Holy Trinity Chicago is called to be a discipleship training hub in the center of the city where the body of Christ is shaped and equipped for life and service in the city. In addition to our Sunday worship service, our vision for holistic discipleship includes one-to-one relationships, neighborhood community groups, and regular educational opportunities.
In addition to our regular Sunday services, congregations of Holy Trinity Church offer various classes to help people go deeper in their understanding of Christianity and its relation to various topics. Examples of class that are offered include: Christianity and Art, Can I Trust the Bible?, and Race and Faith.
No matter where you are in your understanding of Jesus, one of best ways to discover (more) about Jesus is through reading the Bible with someone else and discussing what it means. If this is something you are interested in doing, please click here.
Reading One-to-One is a highly effective and simple curriculum to follow as individuals get together to study the Bible together.
We believe that spiritual growth and maturity happens in the context of community and that this is a vital part of discipleship. Learn more about how to get plugged into a Community Group in your neighborhood.
The Chicago Plan is Holy Trinity Church's residential training scheme devoted to training potential pastors, church planters, and full-time Christian workers. The curriculum consists of three parts: classroom instruction, ministry experience, and mentorship from a Holy Trinity Church pastor. If you would like more information on The Chicago Plan, or are interested in possibly applying please click here.
The Holy Trinity Institute for Discipleship & Mission was established in 2021 as our educational space to disciple Christians, reproduce ministry leaders, and develop pastors. Throughout the academic year we offer core courses on Biblical and Systematic Theology, Spiritual Formation and Biblical Interpretation, as well as various electives.
The Institute also offers a variety of learning cohorts to help equip practicing disciples and raise up ministry leaders for life and service in our city.