
Because of the generosity God has shown us through the gospel of Jesus Christ we respond by giving of our whole lives. Our church operates and ministers through the generosity of our members and attenders. Gifts given to Holy Trinity Church can be separated into multiple funds. If you would like to give to HTC there are multiple ways to give.


You can also give using a debit card, credit card, or a bank account withdrawal. If you would like to have your gift debited weekly or monthly select "Yes, set up recurring" under the total amount you would like to give. This will allow you the freedom to ensure your donation is processed timely throughout the year.  

Under "giving type" please indicate which congregation or fund you'd like to assign your giving.


You can give through cash or check in the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary. Each week general fund offering is taken, but on the second Sunday of the month Holy Trinity Church takes an additional offering for the deacon fund.


Please indicate in the memo line which congregation or ministry area you would like to contribute (e.g., Downtown, North Side, Pilsen, deacon offering), and mail your check to the address below:

Holy Trinity Church
c/o financial administrator
228 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60604


Most banks have a free option to send one-time or recurring gifts/payments through your online banking account. This is similar to sending a check in the mail, but instead, your bank will electronically generate a check and send it through the mail to the Holy Trinity Church office. This saves you time and postage. Plus, you can track your giving through your online banking account. Contact your bank to see if they provide this option. Mail giving to our office address, and be sure to indicate the congregation or ministry to which you are giving.  


  • Old Testament - The word tithe is derived from the Old Testament. God instructed his people to give a tithe to help fund the ministry of the priests (Numbers 18:21-29; 27:30). The word tithe means 10%. In the Old Testament, a tithe referred to the 10% of their income that the people of God would give, but this was often just a starting place for their giving. The Lord also required gifts for the poor, festivals, and on other occasions. This was a way to teach and remind the people of God that everything they had belonged to God and everything they needed would be provided to them by God.

    New Testament - In the New Testament, Jesus’s call and the church’s practice was that of generosity -- even radical generosity. A tithe can be seen not as a law to fulfill, but a basic guideline, a starting point for those seeking to grow in maturity. In addition to radical generosity, 2 Corinthians 8-9 shows us that as Christians who have been forgiven all and given everything we need we can give joyfully, generously, and sacrificially. Everything belongs to the Lord (Psalm 50:10).

  • Tithe literally means “tenth.” In the Old Testament, the tithe referred to God’s people giving the first 10 percent of their gross income to God. We use this definition as a target or marker.

  • No. we use the definition of tithe as a target or goal to work towards. For some, this may be a goal to work towards over time. Others may work towards a higher % based on their circumstance, while others may not be able to give 10%. We believe all Christians should consider what it looks like for them to give sacrificially. We should be growing in generosity and joy in the Lord.

  • No. Our finance administrator does do giving analysis and process donor statements, but church leaders only review summarized and anonymized giving data. Your contribution will not be viewed on an individual basis.